Friday 8 April 2011

Game/Quiz Concept

After making my design considerations, I had to decided upon the content for my website. I thought it would be better to aim my site at younger children with the aim to get them involved with eating healthier. I felt that the most appealing feature to have for this age group would be a game of some sorts. So after sketching out a few initial ideas I came to a final concept, this being that the user would see a series of images and they would have to click on the correct button to determine if they are healthy or unhealthy. I thought this would be fairly simple to execute but would still be enjoyable for the user. Another idea I originally considered was to have the images on screen with the option to drag and drop them into a basket, one being for healthy foods and one for unhealthy foods. I dismissed this idea however as I felt it would be too time consuming considering the fact that I have limited experience in Flash.

I came up with the plan for the quiz game in my sketchbook then began to design it in Photoshop to see how it would look as a final product. I wanted to give the images a cartoon feel to them as I believe the target audience would find them more enjoyable. The 'yes' and 'no' buttons would appear green and red respecitvely when clicked to give the game a bit more attraction. When I was happy with my design I began to code the game in Flash.

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