Wednesday 6 April 2011

Steps 1-3 - How to build an interactive product

Step 1 - Research

One of the websites I looked at for my research into children's healthy eating was 'Food Dudes'. I immediately noticed that the site used a flash animation in the header for moving clouds. The site looked effective in appealing to the target audience as it uses bright colours and cartoon characters. I felt that the website was aimed at older children rather than the younger target audience I would be leaning towards. This was due to the site being more informative than interactive and plus the cartoon characters on the site looked older. 

Step 2 - Brainstorming 

After completing my initial research a began to formulate some ideas in my sketch book. After I had considered the target audience, I thought about a suitable name for the site and eventually landed upon 'an apple a day'. I began skecthing out wireframes and considering page content before I went straight into Photoshop or Flash. This was an important stage of the production of my site as I was able to gain a better understanding of what the site would have to include and how I could make it appeal to a selective audience. 

Step 3 - Technical Requirements

I had to consider the technical aspects or my site and what I would need to create it. I realised that it would be a small site so a CMS would not be required, but I would have to create the site in Flash to ensure interactivity. I would have a timeframe of around 5 weeks to create the flash website so it is important to organise time wisely when working to such constraints. The final product should be successful in informing and entertaining the target audience of young children.

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