Thursday 7 April 2011

Step 6 - How to build an interactive product

Step 6 - Design

After generating some ideas and plans in my sketch book, I began to bring the design into Photoshop. I visited Adobe Kuler to find a suitable colour scheme which would be eye catching and appealing to the target audience. I wanted to make the design as true as possible to my original wireframe, as this would make structure considerations easier and I could use my full focus on design. I worked on the logo of the site and used a simple graphic of an apple behind the main text. I thought about how I could animate the apple in Flash so this would be a good feature to have. My navigation looked simplistic but it was clearly readible and understandble and this was important to consider as the site is for children. I was pleased with the outcome of this design and was now ready to develop it into Flash.

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