Wednesday 6 April 2011

Step 4-5 - How to build an interactive product

Step 4 - Written Outline

I had came up with the ideas for the home page and quiz page and after designing these I had to consider the content for the next two pages. I felt that it would be helpful for one of the sections of the website to be a little more informative, as although the quiz would be a fun feature for the user, I does not state the benefits and importance of eating healthy.

I decided that the third page of the website would be a guide, where the user could find information about the '5 a day'. I thought this would be helpful for children as they would need to know this information but I realised that the language used would have to be quite informal for the audience to understand. 

The final page of the site would simply be a contact page with an email address for users to contact the site admin for more info on healthy eating.

Site Structure

Home - Introduction to site, some healthy eating info.
Quiz - Interactive game which helps the user to seperate healthy products from unhealthy products.
Guide - More info on healthy eating and information of five a day.
Contact - Small contact section including contact details of the website.

Step 5 - Wireframes 

When I had decided upon the pages and content of my site I could then begin to sketch out wireframes to give me a clear idea of layout and structure.

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